The title of this pleasing and insightful documentary about abstract expressionist painter Peter Bradley suggests something about how the film is made. Instead of relying on conventional talking heads interpreting an artist’s life and significance, Bradley speaks entirely for himself. Filmmaker Alex Rappoport situates the viewer amidst the artist’s daily life and practice... An intimate relationship between camera and subject develops, and gradually a refreshing portrait of an intriguing artist emerges.
- Charles Burnett
film director/producer/writer
"With Peter Bradley is an intimate and entertaining portrait of an artist I've known all my life - but what a treat it is to be reintroduced. The unexpected revelation of this film is its astute and lush attention to Color Field painting - the sloshy physicality of the process, the suspense and joy to be felt as paint hits canvas, and the whimsical methods of ferreting out the results. Alex Rappoport's film captures the beauty and depth of the artist, his process, and his paintings."
- Sarah Greenberg Morse
Daughter of art critic Clement Greenberg